Be Happy- It’s Contagious


Like so many others, I have so many things that are making me happy this time of year, and grateful for everyone of them, sometimes a bit in awe that I have been the beneficiary of so many kindnesses, neighborly acts, sheer acts of kindness and thoughtfulness.


One that stands out is learning how Dava Grametbauer, and a lot of you know her from the Girl’s Café, discovered she is such a talented writer. Dava had written a story about Chooch, her dog, and her faith in God and told the story in such a warm, heartfelt manner it was printed by Paul Mark Printing in Freehold…the best around by the way…In printing it, the printers began reading the booklet themselves, and were touched by the wholesomeness and sheer beauty of the writing.


My happiness came when Dava first saw the printed version of her story, complete with a photo of Chooch on the cover and saw first hand how delighted she was to see her first book in print. Don’t know yet whether she is having more printed and offering them for sale, but if you like stories about God and faith, or even if you like heart warming stories about dogs, this is a delightful book for you. Stop in at the Girls Café…. before Christmas because they will be closed from Saturday through all of January…and talk to Dava about it. She’s a terrific waitress, and an even better writer.

Speaking of the Girls Café, now there’s a place that brings joy and happiness to everyone who comes in. Talking about God-given gifts that everyone has, surely some of the best gifts owners and employees at the Café have, but especially Vera, Cathy, and Charley, are the ability to make people happy, a terrific sense of humor, the gifts of understanding and sympathy …and the one no one sees but knows is there…the ability to not answer back when they hear stuff that simply isn’t true or is merely gossip. Don’t know what I’m going to do for my weekly dose of happiness during January, so have to stop back several times this week to load up.

Also happy to see that incredibly famous and excellent restaurant in Highlands is open, busy and still putting out great meals and has some wonderful plans for New Year’s Eve celebrations as well!

Also thrilled with the quick sale of my newest book, Christmas Legends of the Bayshore, which is available at both Bahrs and Bayshore Pharmacy, another terrific business in Atlantic Highlands. People like the legends of everything from squirrels and birds to angels and elves. Only have a few left before a second printing, so if you want one before Christmas, e-mail either or go to STORE to get it. Happy to deliver if close by, but can’t be positive the post office would have it arrive in time through the mail

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