

It has become a ritual for this wonderful group of friends who first met at the 6:30 Mass every morning at St. Rose of Lima Church in Freehold. They laugh about it now, because many of them only new each other from which side of the church they sat on and in which pew they sat every morning. Over the years they became friendly chatting before and after mass, asking each other for prayers for a particular event or illness or celebrating each other’s successes or major events. Then one day Mary Janwich, the organized member of the group, suggested they all meet for breakfast after mass. And so it began. Amost two decades ago. Even Mary’s grandson Gunnar and Axel join the group when they’re visiting their grandparents in Freehold. There is no longer a 6:30 daily mass at St. Rose, some of the group have moved to other towns further distant, some live in Pennsylvania and others spend a lot of time in Florida. But all look forward to the several times a year breakfast or luncheon where they renew friendships, catch up on news, pray for those not able to attend and laugh and enjoy themselves a lot.


Part of the group this year includes Milagros Martino,Gunnar Janwich, Linda Ryan, Muriel Smith,Axel Janwich, Judy Warenkiewicz, Don Sabatini, Theresa Campanella, Nick Spinelli and his wife, Connor Spinelli

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