From the Hearths of Highlands


These were fun times for teenagers Kathy Smith, Maureen Black, and MIchelle Smith in 1972 when the three, all graduates of Our Lady of Perpetual Help School and all Highlands natives, tried out some of the recipes from “From the Hearths of Highlands,” the popular recipe book designed by the OLPH PTA as a fund raiser.


The book featured recipe book from their moms, Mary Sciortino, Jerry Ptak, Mary Dempsey, Joan Dempsey, Dorothy Kovic, teacher Joan Wicklund and many others. Both Kathy, who married Bob Palamara, and Maureen, the daughter of Duke and Edna Black have died; MIchelle, Kathy’s sister, lives in Basking Ridge.


The photos appeared in the Red Bank Daily Register, a popular daily newspaper of the 1970s.


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