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Breast Cancer: My Only Pain is Guilt

For women who have had breast cancer, have had lumpectomies or mastectomies, it is probably difficult to believe. But five and a half years...

Ice Cure & Dr. Tomkovich

PRINCETON, SEPT. 29, 2021—Patients in Central New Jersey with early-stage breast cancer can now access a highly effective treatment that does not require traditional...

Have you written your Letter?

The following is a copy of the letter the Friends of the Oceanic Bridge Association, Inc., sent to the U.S Coast Guard in response...

No Tiers or Lots of Tears

As always, there are so many things that can make any day happy if you just look for them. And yesterday was really a...

The Feisty Irishman-Dr. McTague

A beloved doctor who came to Atlantic Highlands from his native Jersey City to practice medicine and become involved in local politics, Dr. Robert...


Mother Teresa: An Offer Made!

The Atlantic Highlands Mayor and Council today formally presented...

Jack Grodeska at Strauss Mansion

Historian and author Jack Grodeska will be the speaker...

Osprey SOARing in Highlands

The Osprey bird, the only living species that can...

Superintendent Tara Beams Gets 5 Years

The Henry Hudson Regional Transitional Board of Education unanimously...

