Stop, Slow Down, Appreciate


Every once in a while, it’s great fun to slow down and appreciate life. And doing that in Atlantic Highlands this week was a wonderful experience. For instance, I noticed the fresh tulips in bloom on First Avenue. Spring really is coming. Had some of the greatest pizza ever at Julio’s with some of my terrific family some great folks at the adjoining table hearing our conversation and opinions about the Johnny Depp court case joined in the conversation, added their own opinions, and then we launched into more opinions we shared, included the Oscar night fiasco, which, we all decided, was really fixed and meant to liven up what is now a dying annual event.

Then there’s that bright new colorful huge flag in front of Emilio’s on Center Avenue advertising the Mexican flair to what we already knew is some very spectacular and unique cuisine for breakfast and lunch. It’s a must go place for sure at a great price.

Then of course there’s Jaspan’s where none of the staff ever seems to get harried, irritated, rushed or so business-like that you’d be afraid to ask where something is! Witnessed a not very nice man belittling the great guy cutting him new keys, and thought how out-of-place he looked…and must not be a resident of this town.

Also had two separate reasons to contact both the Mayor and the borough clerk this week, and both responded with speed, smarts, and professional courtesy. Doesn’t happen in every town but it’s a regular thing here.

My mail carrier, Rachel, took a moment to stop and chat, giving me the opportunity to tell her how great she is. Also learned we share a love for American history so we’ll be comparing notes and opinions in the future.

All this, without even mentioning the thoughtfulness, kindness and generosity of so many of my friends who are so willing and almost even eager to help me with a recent need I had! So thoughtful! So appreciated!

And I could go on about my family as well, but you all already know how perfect I think they are!


So think about what you’ve appreciated this week. It will feel spectacular!

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