Awesome Parade & Placemats


The Atlantic Highlands Parade was spectacular, between the music of the Admirals from Henry Hudson and the Atlantic Highlands elementary school to those visiting USS Oregon submariners who certainly enjoyed talking to the local people, with not one of them from New Jersey but all happy to be visiting here.

The MAST cadets were as spectacular as ever, and Cadet/LCDR Sam Puleo’s address during the ceremonies after the parade was outstanding. Cadet Puleo is the MAST NJROTC Battalion for the next school year and has already proven he’s certainly up to the job. As have all of them, but locals can take some price in Atlantic Highlands own C/LTJG Abigail Hesterhagen who is the training officer for the cadets for next year.

Great also to see that Public Works Director Jim Phillips and Councilman Jim Murphy were so attentive to the American flags and know the proper protocol for Memorial Day. All the borough flags were at half staff until noon, then, as per proper procedures, they were raised to full staff for the rest of the day.  The two Jims..PWS Director and Councilman.. made sure it was done.

It’s too bad once again that neither the bank at the park nor the post office across the street bothered to have anyone come in to have the flags lowered until noon. Not very respectful of either the flag protocol or the military members who were honored on this special day.

Loved seeing the Little League and Scouts in the parade and feel pretty secure every day seeing all the emergency equipment from Highlands and Navesink, in addition to Atlantic Highlands. The volunteers for each of these communities are more than outstanding!

It was heartwarming to see the parade through the eyes of someone from Georgia, a country that a few days ago celebrated its own celebration of independence from Russia. Having a friend who has been here in this country for less than a year and working hard every day to save enough to continue her own career classes in medicine, it was exciting to see her view her first hometown parade. And what is even better, the Atlantic Highlands Memorial Day Parade was viewed in the country of Georgia! That’s because Elena was so excited to see it all, she called her mom in Georgia and gave her a view and audio from First Avenue.


Not only Memorial Day, but every day Bahrs Restaurant in Highlands always celebrates the Navy and all military. Even if you don’t have little ones, ask to see the special placements and menus they have for the younger sets. The placemats contain each of the signal flags for the Navy, complete with their audio names… Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.,  as well as the signal each individual flag means…the blue and white Alpha, for instance, also means “I have a diver down, keep well clear at slow speed,”   and the checkered November flag means “No or Negative.”

The placemats come complete with crayons and blank boxes so kids can color their own flags and spell out their own names.  Their menu sounds pretty good too!