Kalian Requests a Delay

Requests a Delay

Public hearings on the proposed high rise apartment at East Garfield Ave. has now been delayed until a special meeting on November 21, Councilman Brian Dougherty said at Thursday’s council meeting,

Dougherty, who is the council representative to the Planning Board, said the applicant, Kalian Associates, has requested the delay from the scheduled regular meeting on November 2 for the accommodation of one or more of its experts.

The proposed high rise apartment complex, immediately adjacent to the Kalian mixed use construction nearing completion on First Avenue, also calls for dozens of variances before it can be approved. Various professionals are presenting their plans and drawings to the planning board over a series of meetings and have been making some adjustments to their original plans in response to questions and recommendations from the board’s engineer, Douglas Rohmeyer, and planning board members.

Thursday’s meeting of the Planning Board, which begins at 7 p.m. will include action to approve resolutions for properties at 64 Prospect Circle and 3 Beverout Place as well as a hearing on a new application for extensions to a house at 170 Ocean Boulevard.

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