aauw O'Brien
Elaine O’Brien, PD., MAPP, will be the featured speaker at the 8th annual Scholarship Luncheon sponsored by the Northern Monmouth County Branch of the AAUW on Wednesday April 17.


Dr. O’Brien, whose mission is to assist people in living a more positive and fruitful life, is a pioneer leader in physical fitness and an expert in the psychology of well-being and movement science. She is a strong believer that it is possible to live a life at any age filled with meaning, vitality and appreciation.

Dr. O’Brien received her Ph. D in Human Movement Psychology at Temple University and was one of the first 100 people in the world to earn a Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) from the University of Pennsylvania. Her work is believed to advance the role of the body and positive movement in helping people achieve mental health, physical fitness and positivity.

Dr. O’Brien’s work and expertise is used in various fields, including medicine, education, coaching, fitness, performance and business in addition to health.

The AAUW luncheon celebrates the 2024 Women of Achievement, Stephanie Cartier and Patty Whyte and raises funds for the Society’s Northern Monmouth County Branch’s scholarship and special programs for women and girls.

Reservations are offered at a discount price for the April 17 event, if made before March 22, reservations for the three-course luncheon, which is being held at noon at Beacon Hill Country Club in Atlantic Highlands, are $85. Reservations made after March 22 are $95.

Reservations can be made by calling 732-275-2237 or by visiting www.aauw-nj-nmcb.org

  In addition to registering for the luncheon, guests can pre-order a copy of Dr. O’Brien’s book, The Power of Play: Optimize Your Joy Potential and pay for the book the day of the event.